Album công ty3

Thông Tin cơ bản
The company Alimenco s.r.l. was born in Naples, in 1994, from the idea of a young businessman Maurizio Staempfli, for wholesale trade of various food products, originated in Italy and well known all over the world.In this sector the name Staempfli was already famous, this family lied its name to the tradition of tomato, canned foods, oil and pasta.The development of the company was also supported by the alliance with consolidated industrial partner both in Italy and China.Alimenco s.r.l. is already present on the international market with profitable results ,as our primary aim is always to select "the best products for its consumers". The company is located in one of the best zones of the country, where both the climate and the position, support the selection of best local products from southern Italy and direct connections to various ports of destination of the goods.FDA registered + Registered n.12126545138
  • Giao dịch
  • Thời Gian đáp ứng
  • Tỷ Lệ đáp ứng
Loại hình kinh doanh
Nhà sản xuất, Công ty Thương mại
Quốc gia / Khu vực
Napoli, Italy
Sản phẩm chínhTổng số nhân viên
11 - 50 People
Tổng doanh thu hàng năm
US$5 Million - US$10 Million
Năm thành lập
Chứng nhận
Chứng nhận sản phẩm
Bằng sáng chế
Thương hiệu
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